Rabbit Links
Here are some of our favorite links to learn about meat rabbits. Hope you find them helpful!
Rabbit Raising Info:
Meat Rabbit Quick Start Guide
Homestead Rabbits
American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA)
Selecting Quality Breeding Stock
Rabbit Care & Health:
Sexing Rabbits
Tattooing Rabbits
Evaluating Rabbit Health
Nest Box Construction
Safe Foods List for Rabbits
Growing Fodder
Rabbit Supplies:
Processing Meat Rabbits:
Meat Rabbit Processing Course
Boneless Rabbit Meat: 3 Easy Ways
Cooking Rabbit - hints & tips
Tanning Rabbit Pelts - salt & acid
Tanning Rabbit Pelts - salt & alum
Rabbit Foot Keychain
Rabbit Recipes:
Our Rabbit Recipes
Mustard Cream Rabbit with Bacon
Rabbit Recipes - Backwoods Bound
Rabbit Groups:
Champagne d'Argent Rabbits Facebook Group
Homestead Meat Rabbits Facebook Group
Backyard Meat Rabbit (BYMR) Facebook Group
Rabbit Breeder Directories:
Brick House Acres Rabbitry - Frankfort, NY 13340 - (315) 338-4638